The Baja-kit

After I ordered the parts a week past. Then I got a phone call from customs in the Netherlands. They asked me what I wanted with a Stinger. If you don't know that it's a exhaust system instead of a missile you get suspicious.
But the whole USA adventure ended a little bit different than I had expected. I had to pay taxes, import taxes, renting a customs storage (???), phone costs, administration cost and the shipping from the airport Schiphol to my home.
After calculating everything I paid almost the same as I would have paid in a shop in the Netherlands. But it was a fun thing to do.
The big moment chopping of the nose. This was a great thing because the nose was completely rusted through. Then fitting the fenders and the hood.

I have to do all the work in my garage now. But there is an advantage the garage is right next to my house.
First I cleaned out my garage. I took 2 full trailers with junk to the junkyard. I renewed the whole electrical system in my garage. When I was working on this I found out the earth connection of my old outlets was not connected at all.
Update: 2011-07-07 20:56:35