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The chassis


The chassis (rear) of the 1972 VW Beetle. After splitting the body and the chassis there only was a chassis with the wheels on it. The chassis was alright. Only a few places needed attention.

The chassis when the body was lifted of.

The chassis (front) of the 1972 VW Beetle. At the side you can see a piece of metal plate that was used to "repair" the heating channel.

Painting the underside of the 1972 VW Beetle chassis. After cleaning the chassis I put a primer on it.

Painting the top-side of the 1972 VW Beetle chassis. I changed the color of the layers so I could see where I have been.

The complete reassembled chassis of the 1972 VW Beetle chassis. This is the painted chassis with all the parts mounted.
Update: 2011-07-07 20:56:05